Sunday, May 16, 2021

My life is shit and I can't even record it...

 I'm writing this through a phone app...

Tonight I dropped my laptop while walking from one room to the next and the screen completely shattered. It's broken. It's bad. It's almost unusable. I can patch it into my TV via HDMI cable, but I'm sure you understand why that's not ideal...  I can't see a THING on the actual screen. It's just a black and white static image of nothing,.. My laptop that is less than 1 year old is absolutely broken and worthless. Because I walked down a hallway.

I'm working on a stopgap. I want SO BADLY to do a show for you. But I can't. Technology, alongside fate, God, goodwill, karma, and justice has forsaken me. So I'm on hold. For now. Forever? I don't know.

There are two solo albums trapped on my laptop, needing to be backed up so they're not lost to a simple stumble in my hallway. There's a whole bunch of other stuff on there too that's important to me, if no one else. (It probably ISN'T important to anyone else...let's face facts...the albums are only important to six people, counting me, and three of THEM are just being polite--again, COUNTING me... I have no career is bullshit in all forms of one is even reading this fucking post... Seriously...comment on it if you're reading it. What's that? Nobody commented? Well color me SHOCKED...) 

So...long story show. Not now. Maybe not ever. I don't have the functional technology to do it. And I don't have the money to fix it. My car is destroyed. My dryer is useless. My siding is falling down. My lawn is overgrowing weekly... My bathroom floor is rotted through and the useless fucking contractor replacing it can't get his head out of his ass long enough to schedule a day to fix it. (His name's Mark. Last name (which starts with an M!) available upon request to local people who don't want to waste their lives waiting on a returned text.) My back hurts. My side hurts. My abdomen hurts--which is new and might be either a hernia or my appendix... I'm going to be bankrupt by the end of the month--which, incidentally, contains my useless fucking BIRTHDAY for the second time in the same goddamn, motherfucking pandemic...

It's ALL shit.

So... No show. If you're pissed off about it, fuck you. If you're sad but understanding, I appreciate it...and can I please borrow $500? That'd at least replace the fucking laptop...

Anyway... Bye.

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